One of the more difficult things about having an ectodermal dysplasia are the problems that can arise with the teeth. From missing teeth to random additional teeth to disenigrating teeth and everything in between, dealing with dental issues can be a huge hassle and can sometimes cost as much as a college education. I myself have had/am currently in the process of having around thirty grand worth of dental work done, all before I hit the age of twenty. I have ten permanent teeth missing, grew an extra tooth in between my front two teeth, still had a few of my baby teeth when I was eighteen, and lots of other goodies. The strangest thing (strangest thing to me, anyway) was the way I would loose teeth: they wouldn't fall out, they would disintegrate. Dealing with dental issues is no fun thing, but with the right dentist (and the right insurance) anyone, even those with ED, can have a beautiful smile!

Want more information on what can be done regarding dental work for those with ED? Check out this newsletter to see some amazing before and after photos!